Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twelve Yatras of Lord Jagannath

Ratha Yatra in a week's time, the adobe of Shri Jagannath, Shrikhetra must be in full swing of preparation for the most grand festival where the Lord comes out to street to meet the devotees. When it comes to uniqueness Shri Jagannath is comparable to none.

Amidst hundreds of rites and rituals and festivals in the Jagannath Temple during the whole year only twelve festivals are considered to be most important. Those are observed one after another. Twelve months are fixed for twelve yatras

1) In the month of Jyestha,the marriage ceremony of Sri Jagannath takes place on Ekadasi day with Goddess Laxmi who writes a love letter expresing her desire for holy union with Lord. Then begins the ceremony and on fullmoon day,

2)the grand bathing ceremony Dwadas Yatras of Sri Jagannath starts on Snana Vedi. In Ganesh Vesha, the Lords appear very attractive and Anabasar day begins for fifteen days.

3) & 4) In the month of Ashadha - Ratha and Bahuda Yatras are celebrated. This Yatra (festival) is the greatest and most important among all festivals. It attracts piligrims from all over the world. In Skanda Purana, the festival has been described as Mohavedi Mohoschhaba Yatra. It was the pious wish and order of Supreme God to king Indradyumna to arrange this festival in every year and to drive Him to holy land of Sri Nrusingha. In three chariots namely Taladhwaja for God Balabhadra, Devidalana for Goddess Subhadra and Nandighosa for God Sri Jagannath, all deities are carried. In Devidalana, the Sudarsan wheel designed as a log of wood is seated on Her left side. The movable deities Sri Balaram and Srikrishna in Taladhwaja and Sri Madanmohan dev in Nandighosa are also carried. All sects join in this festival. God Jagannath is Supreme Bramhan and Purusottama. The greatest psychic impact i.e. sense of unity, integrity and brotherhood bind all piligrims into one entity. The social life and spiritual life become one and same. After Bahuda Yatra, when deities are carried into the Temple in Pahandi, the last door closing ceremony is observed in inner sanction of the main Temple. The door opens by the order of Laxmi after getting satisfactory nine answers from Sri Jagannath. In last answer, the social status and freedom of ladies are recognised by Sri Jagannath.

5)In the month of Shravan - the Golden Pendants, studded with diamond, sapphire, emerald, blood stone, and blue gem etc. are placed on foreheads of the deities. This is called Chitalagi and the birthday ceremony of Balabhadra is also observed.

6)In Bhadrava - birthday of Srikrishna is observed. The Yatra begins from birth till killing of Kansa Asura. During the entire period, Nandoatchhab, Kolibika, Kaliyadalan (Defeat of Blacksnake by Srikrishna), Killing of eight demons (generals of king Kansa), stealing game and Kansa's death etc. are observed for nineteen days. In these rites and rituals, the local inhabitants of ancient streets (Sahis) take part directly. They use to hold meetings and decide democratically as to who will act as a demon. One person from each Sahi on each appointed day is dressed and decorated as a demon to display his game and lila as per custom and tradition. The movable representative deity of Sri Jagannath i.e. Sri Madan Mohan after being permitted by Lord Jagannath takes part in this festival.

7) In the month of Aswina - Durga puja festival is celebrated for sixteen days. Sri Madhab otherwise known Balapurusottam and Goddess Durga together get united for the entire period and Durgamadhab Rath Yatra is observed for nine days and golden Rajavesha is observed on Dasahara day.

8) In the month of Kartika a special Bhog called Balabhog is offered and different Veshas and decorations are made. Among those Radhadamodara vesha continues from Dasahar Ekadasi day to next tenth day. After newmoon till full moon on every monday Harihara vesha is observed for deity Sri Balabhadra. Harihara vesha make the Lord half black and half white. Sri Jagannath is decorated and dressed in Laxminarayana vesha which begins from Dasahara Ekadasi day. On twelfth day Baman or Bankachuda vesha, on thirteenth day Tribikram or Dalikia vesha and on fourteenth day Laxmi Nrushingha vesha are performed and celebrated. In the month of Margasira - Dipa Dana ceremony and Pitrushradha are observed. A tree is artistically erected on the ground in inner sactum below Ratnasinghasan with sundried rice. After it is purified, ghee earthen lamps (dipa) are placed on different portions of said tree and then other customary rituals follow. The outer part of temple is also lightened with earthen lamps (Dipa) and prayer is offered to Almighty for restoration of peace, security and prosperity of the King and his kingdom. In this month Ghodolagi begins. It means covering of body with clothes to protect from winter.

9)In the month of Pausa, Pahilibhog ceremony is observed throughout the month. A special cake is prepared out of blackgram wheat flour and cow's ghee. On full moon day, the deities are decorated with Golden Rajavesha and coronation ceremony is also observed. On this day Sri Rama's coronation ceremony was celebrated at Ayodhya in the Ramayana days. In the month of Magha, Padma vesha and Gajauddharana vesha are performed.

10) In Falguna the famous Dola festival of the Lords begins. After getting permission, Sri Saraswati, Sri Laxmi, Sri Dolagovind and Madanmohan come to Dolavedi (alter) where the deities play with red colour powder i.e. called Fagu or Abira.

11)In the month of Chaitra, the birthday ceremony of Sri Rama is observed. The movable representative deity Sri Rama after getting permission from Sri Jagannath takes part in such rites and rituals. All activities and plays from his childhood till killing of the demon king Ravan are customarily and traditionally observed. In this cultural yatra, there comes active participation of local inhabitants.

12)In Baisakha begins the Chaitra Gundicha yatra i.e. Chandan Festival for 42 days. Out of these days, only twentyone days are observed outside the temple in the sacred Narendra Tank. Two decorated boats are used for the boating ceremony. In the first boat, Sri Balaram and Srikrishna and five famous Sivas of Srikhetra such as Jameswar, Lokanath, Markandeswar, Kapalamochan and Nilakantheswar use to sit. In the second boat Sri Madanmohan Dev, representative of Sri Jagannath alongwith mother Laxmi and Saraswati sits together. After boating of first phase, deities are carried to a small temple inside the Tank. Inside the temple, there is a small sweet scented water tank. Together Sri Madanmohan, Laxmi and Saraswati use to have secret play and enjoyment for some hours. None is permitted to see this bathing ceremony. The doors remain closed under lock and key. Other deities use to take bath in different tanks openly. On the beginning day of boating ceremony, the Ratha preparation is being permitted by the Lords with performance of rites and rituals. Thus the above twelve festivals are observed for the Lords in twelve months. Harmony and balance have been maintained in all rites and rituals and in all festivals in order to establish a sense of unity among all castes, sects and religious faiths. Lord Jagannath is Purusottama. This has been well narrated in the first line of Bhismadeva's answer to the six questions of Judhisthira as mentioned in Visnusahasranama. He has been addressed as Atmayoni and Swayamjata which mean that Almighty Purusottama has no mother. He himself is the Creator and Destroyer, and Operator as mother. Thus he is both mother and father. He is both thesis and synthesis. The cultural values are unity, uniformity and universality. Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra are inseparable part of Sri Jagannath. That is why He is the main presiding deity recognised and worshipped by all sects, and devotees of all religious faiths. His Bhoga mahaprasad is world famous. It has established socialism by derecognising the casteism, colour feeling and creed and special privilege. Nowhere in the religious arena ever exists such culture which is unique and incomparable.

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